2.12. Select ranking levels for a ranking that you own

In order to select levels for the classes, first select the ranking in your tournament in step “1.Edit” Check this section ( 2.9.1. Connect tournament with your ranking ).

To select ranking levels, go to the tournament admin panel, step “5.Close Signin In”.

Ranking levels can be found in the ranking manager. You can create and customize your own levels and later assign levels to the classes. Check this section(Ranking Point Levels)


To select a level for a class, click “Select level” button (1). Select a ranking level from the list (2). If you create a new Ranking level it will appear on this list. 

In order to select levels for the classes, first select the ranking in your tournament in step “1.Edit” Check this section(X.X. Connect Tournament with Ranking ).

To select ranking levels, go to the tournament admin panel, step “5.Close Signin In”.

Ranking levels can be found in the ranking manager. You can create and customize your own levels and later assign levels to the classes. Check this section(Ranking Point Levels)


To select a level for a class, click “Select level” button (1). Select a ranking level from the list (2). If you create a new Ranking level it will appear on this list. 


By clicking the “Max Points” button (3), you can check the points for each position. Check image below