2.5 Search and Add existing players

In the tournament admin panel, go step 4.Players (1), select class (2) and click “Add players (3)” (See Image below).



From the pop up, click “Search for Existing Players”



You will be redirected to the “Add Players” page. To search for real players click  “Search for real players”.



In the search bar, type in the name of the player you want to add or invite. Click the “Add/invite” button (1) and then click “Confirm” (2). If you select “Invite”, the player will receive an email with a link from the tournament and the invited person can join the tournament if he wants to. The player will also get a notification on his Rankedin profile. If you select“Add”, the player will be added to the class. 

Players have an option in their “Account Settings” to forbid the feature “Allow to be added in events by the admin”. In this case, you as an admin, will be able to invite the player only. The “Add” button (3) will not be active for those players. You can add multiple players at the same time.