To use the substitute option, open the tournament admin panel, and select step “6.Draws”.
Select the “Class” (1) and click “Preview draw” (2). In case the “Preview draw” button (2) is not clickable, it means the draws for the selected class is not generated.
Adding Player in Elimination and Monrad draw
Find the position you want to add a player to, click the “3 dots button” (1) and select “Substitute Bye” (2).
In the substitute page you can “Search for players (1)”, search for “Fake players (2)” which are previously added in step 4.Players, or “Participants (3)” which are all participants in the class.
In our example, “Search for players (1)” is used. The “Empty position (Bye)” is substituted with “Michael James”. In the “Search for player (1)” bar, type the name of the player, and click “Substitute (4)”. Click “Back (5)” to return to the draw.
After a substitution is made, it looks like this:
Adding Players in Round Robin (Groups) draw
Click the yellow “Substitute” button for the “Empty position (Bye)” - where you want to add the player (in this case, position 4.). “Bye” will be substituted with a player.
In the substitute page, you can “Search for players” (1), search for “Fake player” (2) which are previously added in step “4.Players”, or “Participants” (3) which are all participants in the class.
In our exanoke, “Search for players” (1) is used. The “Empty position (Bye)” is substituted with “Michael James”. In the “Search for players” (1) bar, type the name of the player and click “Substitute” (4). Click “Back” (5) to return to the draw.
After a substitution is made, it looks like this: