6.3.1. Create/Edit Step

To create a Team League, click the “Create (1)” button from the top bar and select “Team League (2)”


From the pop-up, select a “Sport”(3) and click “Create” (4). 



In the Create/Edit Team League form, you need to enter all necessary information for the league.

  • A. Name

  • B. Ranking (*optional)

  • C. Club / Organizer (*optional)

  • D. Teams Settings (*optional)

  • E. Dates

  • F. Regulations

  • G. Match Types

  • H. Divisions

  • I. Regions

  • Advanced options


A. Name


The name will appear on the event page, event poster, players can search the event by the name in the search bar and the event will also appear in the Calendar page.


B. Ranking (*optional)

In this step, you can add a Ranking for your team league. With a ranking, players will get points for every match played and the points will be accumulated in the Ranking. This is an optional feature. You can run the Team League without it, but in the end, the players will get only their final position without points. If you want to add a ranking, click the “Select Ranking” button, search for your ranking, select it, and then click the “Confirm” button. If you haven’t created a ranking yet, you should create it before you add it to the league. To create Ranking follow this instruction.

You can connect Team League with your ranking or with a ranking you don't own, and if the "Membership Management" is "ON" for your chosen ranking you can check if some of the joined players have expired license or has joined in the event before you set the licensed ranking. The players will be marked with red asterisks at the event page tab "Players".


C. Club/Organize (*optional)

In this step, you can add your Club/Organization that is organizing the Team League. This is an optional


D. Teams Settings (*optional)

  • Teams play Home and Away. If this option is selected, every team will play 2 matches with each other’s team from the division

  • “Does every team have to have a "Home Club?”.  If this option is selected, all teams have to select a "Home club".

  • "Allow to Enter Result before Line Up is made". If this option is selected, the result can be entered before the lineup is made.

  • “Home Team Captain and Admin can change the time/date and location of the match” -  If this option is selected, the HOME team captain and admin can change the time/date and location of their own team match.

  • “Require minimum players per team” - In this section, the admin can select if the team shall have some defined minimum of Male or Female players.


E. Dates

  • Close sign in date: This information is used only to inform the users about the date and time for when the Team League admin plans to close the sign in. Note that the process of closing the sign in is not automated, the admin needs to do this manually on step 5.Close Sign In

  • Start Date:  This information is used to inform the users about the start date and time for the team League. 



F. Regulations


You can add details about your Team league here. This text will be shown in the regulations section on your team league home page.



G. Match Type


In this section, the admin defines how many individual matches will be played when team vs team meet. Also, admin defines the type of that individual matches. 



H. Divisions


At least one division needs to be added. Teams can be split in divisions and teams from the same division play against each other. Teams from different divisions do not play each other.

In the division, the admin needs to decide the playing dates and number of team matches per day. Based on these settings, the matches are scheduled in the later steps for that team league.


I. Regions


It is used to differ your Team League (TL) by Regions. It means that every region could have similar Divisions (like 1,2,3 which are graded by strength). Use Regions to split your TL into several parts for easier management. After the season ends,  region winners can compete with each other to determine the ultimate winner. 


Advanced Settings


In the advanced settings, the admin can set the rules for generating the standings.